Introducing the Mafioso muffin man...

 The next character I came up with I decided to name Big Al Forno, an Italian/American mobster who is vegetarian and loves to bake which explains his nickname - the Mafioso muffin man!

Above I started iterating on facial features based on the real life mob boss Paul Castellano, shown below...

I wanted him to have a large physique and be quite scary looking but also a bit of a bumbling idiot. 

Once I'd got a body shape I was happy with I started experimenting with different outfits, the one top left was similar to the photo of Paul Castellano but my drawing seemed to communicate shop keeper more than mobster, so I opted for the classic pin-stripe suit bottom left.

I then went on to play around with his facial expressions. I already had in mind some poses I wanted to draw so this gave me a starting point for different emotions I wanted to try and convey.
Below is a collection of poses, top right he's scared (I forgot to mention he has an irrational fear of pink flamingos!) to the right he's very pleased with himself after making a freshly-baked muffin. The two poses below show him firstly in quite a delightful mood as he's about to eat his favourite Spaghetti Bolognese just before finding out the chef forgot to use Quorn instead of beef mince!
Then I started a rough turnaround. I went on to explore some different coloured outfits, I'll share these in another post.


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