Creating a glow effect for my sword design in After Effects...
While I was researching ways for animating the background of the Keith Haring mural I came across a tutorial for several different ways to create a glow effect in After Effects and thought it would be fun to see if I could use this with my sword design. Here was the unsuccessful initial result...
Not at all what I wanted to create so I tried a second time following along with the tutorial. The problem I had with the attempt above was the sword itself was being affected by the process used to create the glow, whereas I wanted my original design to still be visible. Then I thought, 'why don't I just drop another sword on a layer above and see what that looks like...
Then duplicate this Drop Shadow by going to Edit. Change these settings to Softness: 80 then go to Effects/Stylize and select Glow. Then in the following options change the Glow colours to A + B Colours and the Colour Looping to Sawdust B > A. Then scroll down and select Colour A (same as your choice of colour for the drop shadow) and change the Colour Intensity to 2. Then select Glow and go to Effects and Duplicate.
Increase the Glow Threshold slightly and change the Glow Radius to 90 then go to Effects/ Blur Sharpen and choose CC Radial Blur and go to Type and choose Centred Zoom.
This gave me the following visual...
I then added another layer above with a PNG of my sword design which looked like this...
This was closer to what I had in mind but it still wasn't quite there and I wasn't sure why, then I watched the tutorial again and realised he was using a black background so I created one in Procreate and saved it as a JPEG then brought it into After Effects and dropped it underneath both sword layers. The result was much stronger...
This what pretty much exactly what I'd set out to achieve but I also wanted to make the glow pulsate, I'll talk through how I went on to do this as well as add a textured boil in a future post.
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