A harsh lesson in staying focused...

 As part of my primary project, I wanted to design a sword from rough sketch to polished final illustration. I initially started working up a sketch in Adobe Illustrator but after my progress was slow I decided to choose another design and work in Procreate on my iPad instead.

I drew the sketch below referencing a photo I found on Google, here are both pics. Can you spot the huge mistake?...

That's right, the blade is facing in the wrong direction!!! Unfortunately I was so focused on drawing a crisp line that I didn't notice, until I'd completed several full coloured designs and laid them next to each other. 'Something doesn't look quite right about that handle' I thought to myself...

Lesson learned. It was too late to change the work but I won't make the same mistake again. Here are the finished designs anyway, I wanted to experiment with both block colour and a charcoal texture as well as using no outline, a thin outline and a heavier black outline. I think I'm leaning towards the thin outline with the charcoal but I still want to play around and see what I can come up with. I'm very excited to produce more work.


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